Aaron Gunderson

Weather hit 60 degrees so Michelle and I went for a nice 13 mile bike ride.

Spinach seedlings 🌱 need more space.

Our robot friend has moved. We have an elf on the shelf style game going on at work with this fun Deutschland Android.

Little purple air plant flowering.

1lb mushroom harvest this morning πŸ§‘β€πŸ³

Nothing to be proud of but I’m playing with building a Gemini client in Elixir here: gitlab.com/agundy/ge… Eventually hope to have a nice little TUI built using Ratatouille

Shipped a few minor improvements to www.agundy.com mostly for a better mobile experience without nav taking up the whole page and half as many Aaron Gunderson’s on the index page.

How are you staying connected to your team? Remote work bonding has been low lately.

We need more VPS offerings that support ARM, I’m sad that AWS is the only real one right now. Wish someone like @linode or @digitalocean offered them.

Officially moving to a new place. Super excited for more space and in house washing and drying! Now to stress about the move though.

News of a data center burning down is a nice reminder to check your backups.

Setting up an Elixir project with Gitlab CI #myElixirStatus www.agundy.com/2021/03/1…

Pickled radish!

Get you a beauty like these.

Added two new books to the bookshelf today.

Playing with some Rust package that require compilation on underpowered hardware and I all I can say is there seems to be a lot of packages and slow compilation going on.

Final product.

One of today’s projects

Yesterday I biked to the trailhead for a winter snowy run, would recommend.

Some of the original spinach seedlings seemed to have found their moment.


I thought the UI visualization for the lander flow today was really cool.

Congrats to all in the Perserverence landing! Today my brother called asking about why a key on his keyboard didn’t work in Windows, after a restart it worked. Amazing what computers can and can’t do.

Getting the Whereby ready for a Skylla rover landing watch party.

I’ve been running and exercising harder again and I’m hitting the point where it feels good and I crave it. Post work I felt motivated to go run despite the weather. Feels good.