Saw the newest release of Elementary OS and it makes me want to try it. Looks slick. Not enough resources and time goes into open source software that looks good and is cohesive.
Great engineering perspective from working at Dropbox. Really liked this line: > this is where startups can compete for talent. There are many people who didn’t graduate college but are focused workers or have a knack for understanding users.
I’ve completed “1202 Program Alarm” - Day 2 - Advent of Code 2019… #AdventOfCode
Is 2019 the year I finish Advent of Code? Probably not, but I’ll see how far we get. Breaking out Elixir for this year.
Will Apple bring back a solid keyboard to the 13in MacBook Pro? 16 inches is too big for what I want in a laptop.
Pro tip when applying for jobs. Export to PDF. It makes it much easier for people to read on the other side and you won’t send all your Microsoft Word edit history in with your submission, this is pretty key.
Farmers market this morning ended with “harvest soup” tonight. Apples, celeriac, sweet potatoes, squash, onions and a little bacon.
Fought my thinkpad too much the last few days. Can’t get Ubuntu to run stable on it right now. Freezes completely. A computer workers Halloween nightmare.
Great tribute to Guido. Python was one of my first serious languages and I always enjoyed it. Back to writing it after a break and it’s growing on me again.…
Good friends challenge you to be better. Find good friends and keep in touch. Life is better with solid relationships and it is a better long term plan than to just work hard.
Fun night eating too much with friends and playing board games! Played splendor and Coup a bunch. I want to find time to play Manhattan Project again soon.
Not every day needs to have a big event or involve burning through a to do list. Sometimes it’s okay to make a just a little progress and it’s okay to sometimes get nothing done too. We are in it for the long road it’s not all a sprint.
Consume less, produce more. Modern culture is driven a lot by consumption. One push I’ve tried to do over the last year is to produce more and consume less. This includes writing, drawing and photographing instead of scrolling, cooking food over eating out, writing code and making projects over passive consumption and more. I’ve found it super valuable, I still consume too much news and twitter but I’ve been doing well to make a conscious effort and I enjoy the results. I encourage you to try the same.
I listened to the How I Built This podcast today about Milk Bar and the founder sounds really cool and the food sounded delicious. Looked up the reviews in Harvard and they’re “meh”. Is it worth money or a lot of hype?
Pair programming, configuring or writing takes a lot of energy for me but it can be super helpful. It’s especially powerful it for complex infrastructure, detailed reports and sharing knowledge of how to interact with or work in a system.
Writing down your steps as you make changes and tweak a procedure is super valuable. Turning steps into a text playbook or a script allows you to pull pieces together and convince yourself you are doing what you need.
On a small team with lots of active projects it’s really easy to get spread thin and have too much work in progress. When you have a chance take a day and burn down the to do list. This clears a lot of mental space and is valuable for moving projects forward long term.